Why reading the bible is so important

We delve into the significance of reading the Bible and explore the top three reasons why it should be a regular practice for every believer.

Amanda Azeredo

11/13/20232 min read


Welcome to Realtors in Faith, where faith and entrepreneurship come together. In this video, we delve into the significance of reading the Bible and explore the top three reasons why it should be a regular practice for every believer. Let's dive in!

Segment 1: The Bible is a Lamp

As stated in Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." The Bible is not just a book; it serves as a guiding light through the uncertainties of life. What makes the Bible so powerful is that God speaks to us through His Word. When we read the same passage, each of us may interpret it differently because God tailors His message to our individual needs. It's an amazing experience to read the Bible and discover new insights even after years of studying it. God reveals things to us in His perfect timing, according to what we need in our lives.

Segment 2: Building Moral Compass

The Bible acts as a mold that shapes our moral compass. It provides a standard of right and wrong, good and evil, helping us navigate ethical dilemmas in both business and life. By following the teachings and commandments found in the Bible, we can make sound moral decisions and guide our actions with integrity.

Segment 3: Wisdom and Guidance

Scriptural texts are filled with wisdom and guidance for life's difficult situations. Many self-help books draw inspiration from the Bible because its wisdom stands the test of time. For example, the saying that "you are the average of the five people closest to you" resonates with the biblical story of King Solomon. Despite his wisdom and dedication to God's commandments, Solomon's downfall came from his relationships with foreign wives who worshipped other gods. This illustrates how the company we keep can significantly impact our behavior and beliefs.

The Bible contains countless lessons and answers to life's questions. It is a book that reads us as we read it, speaking to our hearts and transforming our lives.

If you found today's video valuable, we encourage you to share it with a friend. By clicking the link in the description, you can watch the full video on our YouTube channel. In this video, we dive deeper into the importance of reading the Bible and provide additional insights and examples.

Remember, the Bible is not just a book; it is the living Word of God. By studying it diligently and seeking His guidance, we can experience the transformative power of the Word in our lives.

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